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How Do I Stop Letting My Abandonment Issues Ruin My Life?

Notice your patterns in relationships.

Do not devalue yourself, respect yourself.

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What Helped You Overcome Your Abandonment Issues?

Learning to live and let live.

I am no longer the woman who rescues. Instead, I've learned how to support other soul contract and their healing while also respecting my own boundaries at the same time. It's not easy when you first start. But you must be firm when setting and enforcing boundaries and take care of yourself. Look at it as being a model for what self-approval, self-care, self-respect, and healing look like.

Learning to not feel responsible for other people's moods.

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The Root Cause of Abandonment Issues is a Lack of Self-Love.✨

Let me explain...

Anyone ever go through a BIG personal transformation & then find that YOU BEING YOU triggers the people around you? Maybe they miss the “old you”? Maybe your authenticity is shining a light on all the places where they aren’t free to be themselves YET. In my own experience, this always comes up around the holidays. Then many of my clients- and the students in my The Four Levels of Healing program as they are about to move from healing their root chakra and focus on the sacral- and that’s usually when this hits hard! Here’s why … 

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What is The Best Way to Deal With My Abandonment Issues?

Stand up for yourself. Do NOT abandon yourself.
The solution to abandonment issues is self-love and self-care.
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How Do I Get Over the Fear of Abandonment?

If you want to heal yourself but you’re stuck or you don’t know what to do next, to heal from abandonment the work needed is simple.

🌼Acknowledge it.

🌼Talk about it.

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How Do I Overcome My Abandonment Issues From Childhood?🦋

This is a common question I get from clients. The first thing I had to learn was that fear of abandonment is involuntary, and I didn't choose it and it's not my fault.

What I also had to learn was that I couldn't keep blaming myself for feeling as I did. I was a child. I was hurt. No one comforted me or explained to me why I was going through the experience of being fatherless and left with my great-grandmother as my mom built her law enforcement career in South Florida five hundred miles away from me.

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Emotional Healing: Emotional Neglect, Codepedendy, Emotional Eating

We can never heal on our own-we all

need at least one pair of eyes to love, believe in, and care about us.

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Emotional Healing: Emotional Neglect, Codepedendy, Emotional Eating

Do not look back at what you have accomplished or not accomplished as a benchmark for what is possible for you.

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Emotional Healing: Emotional Neglect, Codepedendy, Emotional Eating

Surrounding yourself with good people will make all the difference in your work and personal life. It's important to be selective with your circle, as the energy and values of those around you greatly impact you. Remember, you are who you choose to associate with, whether personally or professionally, so keep expectations very high and be prepared to take out the trash when needed!

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