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Welcome To Your Journey To Healthier Eating...

Is Living A Low Sugar Lifestyle More Of A Struggle Than You Thought It Would Be?

Our BodyPeace Membership

shares recipes and tips for overcoming sugar and carb addiction. The training and programs are a great resource for those seeking to live a low-sugar lifestyle and inspiration for achieving BodyPeace!

If your goal is to learn how to reduce your sugar intake, adopt a low-carb lifestyle, overcome sugar addiction, codependency people pleasing (when interacting with food pushers), and emotional/binge/stress eating I can teach you how to use living a low-sugar lifestyle as your tool for this journey. 

If this sounds like your journey keep reading below to learn how my team and I can support you during your daily life as you learn:


How To Live A Low Sugar Lifestyle

plus ideas on what to eat on a low-sugar or no-sugar diet.

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Nutrition Counseling for Abandonment Trauma Survivors
dealing with unresolved pain from the past by
escaping with food and codependent people-pleasing during holidays and events throughout the year where social pressures can trigger people-pleasing traits that result in stress/binge/emotional eating to cope with food pushers and all those negative influences that do not have your best interest at heart.

1-on-1 Nutrition Counseling
For Overcoming Sugar Addiction, Cravings,
Dependencies, and Emotional Stress Eating


What is a Low-Sugar or Sugar-Free Diet?

A low-sugar diet is a diet plan that focuses on maintaining a low overall sugar intake by reducing added sugars. There isn’t one strict definition of adopting a low-carb or low-sugar diet, but it usually means choosing nutrient-dense real whole foods and avoiding packaged or prepared foods that have added refined sugars.

Processed foods such as common snack items, fast food, and most restaurant meals contain added sugar for both flavor and appetite stimulation, most do not have balanced nutrition or vitamins. Most are considered empty calories. Added sugars are not only limited to obvious items like cookies or candy. Even processed foods like store-bought marinara, dairy products, white bread, breakfast cereals, cured meats, or frozen meals often contain high amounts of added sugar and salt to sustain shelf life for humans to consume when they don't choose a whole food plant-based produce option.

A low-sugar diet plan gives you the option to take ownership in your own health. Choosing fewer sugar recipes, cutting sugar intake, eating keto-friendly meals, and low-carb recipes all these choices help individuals who seek to overcome sugar addiction or reduce sugar intake by eliminating processed foods and added sugar from their diet. To begin an individual can participate in a 30-day sugar detox cleanse challenge which some may refer to as a no-sugar diet challenge or simply remove as much processed foods with added sugar and/or refined sugar as possible from their diet. If you choose our training we will give you an approved list of foods to support your journey. If this sounds like something you seek to do keep reading.

Dr. Nikki Letoya White

Ready To Start Clean Eating

Hello GuttyGirl,

Thanks for stopping by, I’m so happy you’re here.


I know with the beginning of the New Year, many of you have been curious about beginning your juicing journey and starting on this new idea of living a low-sugar lifestyle! To start the conversation I would like to share some quick background info on my own journey, I have been low carb for over the last 10 years and flexitarian the last 6 years resulting in improved health conditions of chronic digestion, vagina atrophy, full remission of codependency people pleasing, sugar addiction,  binge eating disorders, and an unexpected 30 lb weight loss. I wanted to give you some tips that I have shared with clients working towards their own sobriety goals over the years that have been extremely helpful! Not only do these tips help you heal trauma but it helps maintain your recovery plan and achieve sober living success as well. So let's just jump right in!

Beginning Your Journey To Low-Sugar Living



This is probably my top tip to start out with. With any lifestyle change, you need to remove processed foods, refined sugar, extra sodium, and sugary/salty junk foods right away! Throw it out! Yes, those Lays Cheddar and Sour Cream Chips, Oreos, and Pop-Tarts have to go! Trust me, not having processed and heavy carb/sugar-filled treats readily available will only help you NOT SLIP in the beginning. These items not only contribute to weight gain but overall bad health. There's no place to cheat if you toss that temptation in the trash. After years of struggling with sugar addiction and a binge eating disorder, I know all too well how sugar is highly addictive and can control you if you eat too much. Some studies have shown sugar to be more addictive than cocaine and nicotine. Prolonged intake of sugar has been linked to mood disorders, obesity, diabetes, and other serious metabolic disorders. It may seem like a struggle to go sugar-free at first (and it can be!), but it will get easier once you train your taste buds, learn to manage your cravings, and start dealing with the pain, difficult people, and stress in your life. Once you got the addiction under control you can slowly add back those snacks you love while learning to eat them in moderation. Balance is key. The entire point of living a low suagr lifestyle is to learn how to stabilize your blood sugar level to prevent diabetes, insulin resistance, heart disease, and other health conditions. 





Ideally, most people would be on a low-sugar or sugar-free diet. 

The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugars to no more than 100 calories of added sugars for women (6 teaspoons) and 150 calories for men (9 teaspoons). 

A sugar-free diet or one low in added sugars can be especially helpful for those having difficulties with blood sugar levels or systemic inflammation. This can include those with pre-diabetes, diabetes, heart disease, PCOS, or other hormonal imbalances, or an autoimmune disease. 

A no-sugar diet is more restrictive and can refer to a diet where you avoid even natural foods that have higher amounts of sugar. People who have diabetes or pre-diabetes should probably be on a sugar-free diet, choosing real foods that have a low glycemic index. Keep in mind that even vegetables can contain sugar in small amounts, so a true no-sugar diet may be unnecessarily restrictive for the majority of people.

That's why I ask clients to just monitor their intake so they become self-aware and can make their own educated food choices by understanding their own Macros.

What are Macros?

Macros are super simple! It is your MACROnutrients (calories, carbs, protein, and fat) that you need to track to see how you're eating. You will want to have a balanced diet of carbs, fibers, omega-3 fats, and protein at every meal! Healthy fats are crucial, delicious protein, and I love to get most of my carbs from green veggies. The reason that this is important -especially in the beginning- is to see how you're eating according to your food choices. What are your go-to foods and why did you choose them? For a low-carb, low-sugar, and flexitarian lifestyle, it is recommended to stay around 20g-50g net carbs. Calculating net carbs might sound tricky but all you need to do is. Understand how much fiber, total carbs, sugar alcohol, and added sugar is your meal choice to ensure your blood sugar level is not too high. This can be done with an app or old school by simply writing down what you ate that day in a journal to refer back to it. The goal here is simple, reduce your intake of added sugars.

How to Calculate Net Carbs?

  • Look at the total carbohydrate count

  • Subtract the dietary fiber and sugar alcohol (if any)

  • and you have your net carbs! Simple right?


Okay, now that we have cleared out the unhealthy stuff in our pantry and possibly the fridge, what can we fill it up with? Well, that's where food prep comes in! I don’t know about you, but if I'm craving something and it's not readily available, I will grab snacks or even consider fast food especially when I'm out and about headed to a closing appointment (I'm also a Notary and Loan Signing Agent) or assisting a client with a VIP Day session at their home. By having meals already portioned out and fully low sugar or low carb, there’s no excuse to stay consistent right? Set aside a Sunday morning or afternoon, pull up a few of my recipes, and have a fun day with it! Hint hint, have you discovered the White Chicken Chili recipe I have yet!? Game CHANGER FOR SURE!

Here are a few meal prep recipes that you can make:

1. Cheesy Potato and Sausage Frittata

2. Mango Green Smoothie



I used to be obsessed with snacking on sugary foods, and still have tons of snacks now (just not as often). If I do it now, I'm grabbing much better options than a typical Snickers bar or cake batter ice cream from Cold Stone. The cool thing about the low-sugar community now versus when I first started is that they have so many great and delicious options not just fruit! I personally like to keep a bag of white chocolate chips covered with macadamia nuts ready to go for some snacks here and there! That or a Munk Pack Nut and Seed Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Bar or Munk Pack Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Granola Bar! It's literally so delicious and who needs real sugar when you have these options!

Increase Healthy Fat Intake to Improve Satiation


If you eat more fat with your meals and snacks, you’ll generally crave less sweet stuff and have fewer symptoms of sugar withdrawal

One gram of fat contains 9 calories while one gram of sugar contains 4 calories. Fat is more satiating, making you feel more full for a longer period of time. 

Even the American Health Association advises people to consume enough healthy fats.

Opt for healthy fats like:

  • avocados,

  • nuts and seeds,

  • coconut oil,

  • olive oil,

  • butter or ghee (if you tolerate dairy),

  • fattier fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines.


Adding more healthy fat sources to your meals should decrease after-meal or snack-time cravings for sugary treats.


Just because you're eating healthier doesn't mean you can't indulge in some good ole comfort food! This is probably my favorite part of my journey, being able to get creative and play with recipes from my childhood. Do you want sweet potato? That can be made over with sweeteners! Oh, you miss egg nog? Guess what, that can be made over too! The possibilities are endless but whatever the meal is, you most likely can google a healthier version. All the flavor without the guilt and bloat these heavy dishes can usually bring.


The one thing I love about being on my low-sugar journey is that you can really enjoy all the benefits while cutting back on all the unhealthy junk. We can enjoy cream, a little butter here and there, and some yummy fat. And isn’t that essential for an amazing dessert?! I like to think of myself as a realist and knew I didn't want to give up all my favorite recipes. So I made it work for me with recipe makeovers!  Cheesecakes, we have dump cakes, regular cakes, apple crisps, peach cobblers you name it we can make over it. 




Again the entire point of this journey is to learn how to prevent metabolic disorders. This is what that looks like:

Metabolic Disorders


Metabolic disorders encompass a group of health conditions that increase the risk of heart diseases and related problems. Here are some steps to prevent and manage them:

  1. Healthy Diet:

    • Adopt a diet rich in:

      • Whole grains

      • Fruits

      • Vegetables

      • Skinless poultry

      • Fish

      • Nuts

      • Low-fat or fat-free dairy products

      • Lean meats

      • Vegetable protein

    • Limit consumption of:

      • Processed foods

      • Saturated and trans fats

      • Red meat

      • Sodium

      • Added sugars​

  2. Physical Activity:

    • Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week.

    • Walking is a great starting point, but find an activity you enjoy to get your heart rate up.

  3. Weight Management:

    • Losing weight and maintaining it can reduce the risk of heart disease.

    • Understand your recommended calorie intake and balance it with physical activity. Although I donot teach weight loss in my own journey I lost 30 pounds by simply changing my daily habits. For three months I incorporating three habits each month. The first ten pounds was lost by walking 10,000 steps each day for the first month. The second month ten pounds was lost by adding vegetables to my diet, I simply begin eating two cups of vegetables each day instead of chicken sandwhich and chips at lunch I ate chicken breast sandwhich and mixed greens (easy swap) and then the other cup was roasted vegetables at dinner. The third month ten pounds was lost by drinking 2 liters of water which is 8 cups each day. Rinse and Repeat. Walk-Water-Veggies.

  4. Medications:

    • If lifestyle changes alone don’t suffice, your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to control blood pressure, cholesterol, and other symptoms.


Remember, every step counts! Your commitment to a healthy lifestyle can make a significant difference in your health. 🌱🏋️‍♀️

For more information, you can refer to the American Heart Association’s guide on Metabolic Syndrome.1

You may also wish to consider my Sugar Detox Cleanse Challenge if you want more information and support on your sugar-free journey. The 7-day Pre-Detox Guideline. What to Expect with Meal Planning.


You might also want to read my article on My Sugar Crush: How I Overcame My Sugar Addiction





























Cutting Out Sugar ISN’T BLACK AND WHITE.

We are human. We don't do things completely perfectly, we just do it PERFECTLY FOR US. Some people might discover in this low-sugar lifestyle that they might be more sensitive to dairy, some might be super successful eating only meats and fats to release cravings for sugar, and some might be able to add keto-type recipes to reduce their added sugar intake and withdrawal from sugar and have no issues. And also, it can be tough.. and sometimes we want to cheat here and there, and that's okay!


Just get back on the horse and try again. Eating one candy bar here and there is not going to throw you off track. Just choose better the next meal. Always try to add protein to any sugar or carb meal to prevent raising your blood sugar if you do choose to eat sweets. 


Living a low-sugar lifestyle isn’t difficult. It might feel tough at first during the sugar detox stage due to sugar withdrawals but it's all an adjustment. Once you get the swing of things it's not hard at all. Keeping it simple or back to basics as I like to call it helps you stay on track. Focus on the healthy food at your fingertips like eggs, bacon, meats, fish, salads, and all the delicious green veggies and you're good to go! Clean organic foods is what help support the body. Simplicity is key when first starting this lifestyle, don't overcomplicate it okay? Make protein and green vegetables your go-to. 

Drink More Water

Often times you may think you’re hungry when in fact your body is in need of some hydration. 

Drinking one to two glasses of water when you get a sugar craving can help quell that craving. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day also helps keep cravings at bay and helps with any symptoms of sugar withdrawal.


If you aren’t a fan of plain water, try adding slices of fruits, lemons, limes, cucumbers, or mint to your water as they do at the spa to make it more pleasing to your taste buds.

It’s up to you whether to cut sugar out 100% or to take baby steps. Either way, you’ll likely see health benefits from cutting back on sugary foods.


I have a personal mission to help people transform their lives by creating sustainable, healthy eating habits to maintain their sobriety from sugar addiction.

I’ve stuck to the Low-Sugar Lifestyle because it works for me!

If this is something you think may work for you contact me today.

Download the Free Life Detox Cleanse below to jumpstart your journey.

If you're unsure if you struggle with emotional eating take the quiz below. 


If you need support with a life audit we can help. 

Dr. Nikki Letoya White
Dr. Nikki Letoya White

Best Value

Life Audit



I can help you take back at least 10/20 hour of your week book a life audit and let's get this done

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